Columbus – Exploring new horizons and markets

Columbus is a full-service consulting firm whose clients are mainly engaged in online trading. They focus on import and export activities and their processes. The identity represents a firm that can compete with the big consultancies of the past, but also embraces the possibilities of modern digital tools.

Logo design

Brand design


The logo and the full identity fits to the name

The logo is a simplified nautical star that symbolizes the explorers, like the clients who want to discover new markets. This motif will come back in the full identity. We built a design system that was based on a triangle system and strict rules. 

A variable design system

We designed plenty of communication template like presentations, proposals, marketing and sales pitch-decks. We needed to make a design system that has lots of variations of templates but they should look uniform.

The website focus the wishes not the services

Business owners do not need just one service, they use a package of services. On the website we focused on the clients’ wishes. What are their goals? Where are they in the business? We find three regular pathways and we make three landing sites for these.